Hacksaw, PVC pipe cutter, or power saw to cut the PVC pipe.Power drill 1-3/4” or 1-7/8” & 2-1/4” hole saw drills & 7/8” and 1” spade drill bits (Borrow a hole saw kit or buy one, you will definitely use it again).one brick of coco coir & a small bag of LECA (Hydroton or clay balls).six 1/4” irrigation barb connectors (smallest bag).1/4” irrigation “spaghetti” tubing, 10 feet (for drip lines).small tube aquarium grade silicone sealant.can of PVC cement (gold label) Don’t get blue glue. PVC pieces: 1½” schedule 40 PVC pipe, two 10 foot pieces of pipe, 8 elbows, 1 “t” piece.aquarium air pump, 6 feet of airline tubing, “T” connector & 5” airstone.mechanical garden timer (15-minute increments).Find it at Home Depot, or buy it from Amazon

Not ready for a large garden yet? Get started below with our small top drip mini-farm (3 pots) free plans! This feeding cycle repeats 2-4 times daily and promotes lush growth.ĭream Big!Learn to build a large hydroponic drip system (4X4 growing bed with 8 or 16 pots!) Read all about it here: Simon’s Simple Hydroponic Plans.

The excess drainage out the bottom of the pot is collected and returned to the reservoir, where it is reused for the next “watering”.A pump comes on periodically and pushes the solution through a network of “spaghetti” tubing which trickles out at the base of each plant.The nutrient solution is held in a reservoir.We like to use the popular Bato® buckets for our top-drip systems, as they are very inexpensive, come with a safety reservoir in the bottom, and are easy to set up on a drainage pipe. Once the network of feeder lines is set up, the operation is simple. This system is often used in large commercial greenhouses. Our Beginner’s Guide To Hydroponics is on sale for a short time. How Does The Dutch Bucket Hydroponic System Work